Switch Teams


With Nanonets, you can be part of multiple teams and contribute to each one independently. Switching between teams allows you to keep your work organized and separate.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Navigate to the "My Workflows" screen:

    Start by accessing the "My Workflows" screen from the Nanonets.

  2. Locate the Team Section:

    On this screen, navigate to the bottom left corner where you'll find the "Team" section.

    My Workflows

    My Workflows

  3. View Available Teams:

    Click on the "Team" option to see a list of all the teams you are currently part of.

    Teams List

    Teams List

  4. Switch Teams:

    Select the team you wish to switch to. Once selected, you will be instantly switched to that team, and all team-specific models and settings will be displayed.