Nanonets have a pretrained invoice data extractor which support a number of fields out of the box. We support key-value pair fields like invoice number, total amount which will occur once in invoice and also tabular fields like line item description, rates, quantities etc. You can always add more fields if you need or finetune model for better extraction accuracy on your own invoices. We also keep adding more and more fields every month based on customer requests.
Here is list of all fields we support:
Table fields:
- Description - item name or description in table
- Product_Code - any product identifier like SKU code etc
- Quantity - number of products
- Price - rate of product per quantity
- Line_Amount - total cost of product, quantity*price
Buyer-related fields:
- buyer_name
- buyer_address
- buyer_vat_number - VAT number or tax id of buyer if present in invoice
- client_id - If some identifier number mentioned in invoice
Shipping info related fields:
- shipto_address
- shipto_name
Seller releated fields:
- seller_name
- seller_address
- seller_email
- seller_phone
- seller_website
- seller_email
- seller_fax_number
- seller_vat_number - VAT number or tax id of seller if present in invoice
Payment method related fields:
- bank_account_number
- bank_name
- payto_name - If it's separately mentioned. Mostly will be same as seller_name.
Invoice related fields:
- invoice_number
- invoice_date
- invoice_amount - Total invoice amount
- currency
- net_d - eg 30 days from receipt
- payment_due_date - If invoice has due date explicitely mentioned, mostly one of payment_due_date or net_d will be present. If both are present, you can use them for validation that info is correct
- po_number - If purchase order is mentioned in invoice, this field is useful for 2-way matching often
- total_tax - If only one type of tax is mentioned in invoice, our extractor will most likely tag it as total_tax
- totaltax% - If only one type of tax is mentioned in invoice, our extractor will most likely tag it as totaltax% if a percentage of sub-total is mentioned in invoice. You can use this field in conjunction with total_tax for validation
- subtax_name - Name of specific subtax if present in invoice eg Sales Tax
- subtax_amount - Sub-tax amount in currency. Also if there are multiple subtaxes mentioned, you can validate by adding all subtaxes and check if they match total_tax field
- subtax_% - Percentage of sub-total if mentioned in invoice, you can use this field along with subtax_amount to validate.
- subtotal - Subtotal amount if mentioned in invoice, you can use this field to validate if it matches total of quantity*price
- total_due_amount - If clearly mentioned in invoice, otherwise should be same as invoice_amount
Updated 8 months ago