Retry File Upload via API


This API allows you to retry predictions for specific files on an existing model. You provide a list of file IDs, and the API retries the object detection on those files.


Method: POST


API Key: Required in the auth parameter.
Method: Basic Authentication, with the API key as the username and an empty string as the password.

Request Parameters:

  • Path Parameter:

    • model_id (string): The unique identifier of the model for which you want to retry predictions.
  • Headers:

    • Content-Type: application/json
  • Body Parameters (JSON):

    • file_ids (list of strings): A list of file IDs for which the prediction should be retried.
        "file_ids": ["<file_id1>", "<file_id2>", "..."]  

Sample Request:


import requests
import json

# API URL with model ID
url = "{model_id}/RetryPrediction"

# Model ID
model_id = "Model Id"

# API Key for authentication
api_key = 'API KEY'

# Define the payload with the file IDs to retry prediction on
payload = {"file_ids": ["file_id1", "file_id2", "file_id3",..]}

# Convert the payload to JSON format
payload_json = json.dumps(payload)

# Make the POST request
response =
    url.format(model_id=model_id),  # Insert model_id into the URL
    auth=(api_key, ''),             # Use API key for authentication
    headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"},  # Set the content type to JSON
    data=payload_json               # Pass the JSON payload

# Print the response from the API


curl -X POST "{mode_id}/RetryPrediction" \
     -u "API_KEY:" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{"file_ids": ["file_id1", "file_id2", "file_id3",..]}'
  • -X POST: Specifies the HTTP method as POST.
  • -u "API_KEY:": Provides the API key for basic authentication. The API key is passed as the username, and the password is left blank.
  • -H "Content-Type: application/json": Sets the Content-Type header to application/json.
  • -d '{"file_ids": [["file_id1", "file_id2", "file_id3",..]}': Sends the JSON payload with the list of file IDs.