How to setup your Workflow?


Configuring Import Block

  • Access Workflow: Start by navigating to the 'Workflow' section in the left panel of your Nanonets Extract Data page.
  • Browse Import Options: Click on the “Browse import options” to view all supported import sources.
  • Select Import Source:
    • A list of available import options will be displayed.
    • Choose the import source that best fits your needs (e.g., Email, Dropbox, Amazon S3, API integration).
  • Authenticate and Configure:
    • Depending on the chosen source, you may need to authenticate access. For example, to use Dropbox:
      • Click on the Dropbox icon.
      • Sign in to your Dropbox account and authorize Nanonets to access your files.
    • Configure any necessary settings specific to the import source.
  • Complete Setup:
    • After authentication and configuration, click on “Finish Setup” to save your settings.
  • Verify and Test:
    • Ensure that the import block is correctly set up by importing a test file.
    • Verify that the file appears in extract data section.

Note: Not all import sources may not require authentication. Some sources might simply need you to setup the import block by choosing the block.

Data Actions

Configuring Data Actions

  • Access Workflow: Start by navigating to the 'Workflow' section in the left panel of your Nanonets Extract Data page.
  • Access Data Actions: Click on “Add a new step” to initiate the addition of a new data action block.
  • Browse Data Action Blocks:
    • A list of all available data action blocks will be displayed.
    • These blocks represent different operations you can perform on your data, such as formatting, look-up, or applying conditions and actions.
  • Select a Data Action Block:
    • Choose a block that fits your specific need. For example, if you need to perform an operation based on a condition, you might select a "Conditional Block."
  • Configure the Data Action Block:
    • Once the block is added to your workflow, configure it according to your needs.
    • For a Conditional Block, specify the condition. For instance, set ‘field1 is NOT EMPTY’ to ensure the action only runs when ‘field1’ contains data.
  • Define the Action:
    • Determine what action should be taken when the condition is met. For example, if you want to format a date, set the action to convert the date to the format 'YYYY-MM-DD'.
    • You can choose to overwrite the original field with the results of the data action or create a new field to store the modified data.
  • Test the Data Action:
    • Before finalizing, test the data action block.
    • Use the “test this action” feature by selecting a sample file to see how the block processes the data in real-time.
  • Save the Configuration:
    • Once you are satisfied with the setup and testing, click on “Finish setup to save.”
    • This saves the configured data action block to your workflow.

Final Results

Configuring Final Outputs

  • Access the Final Results Section: Within your workflow page, locate and click on the "Final Results" tab. This section is dedicated to finalizing the output of your workflow.
  • Select Fields:
    • You will see a list of all fields processed in previous steps of the workflow.
    • Toggle the fields you want to include in the final results. For example, fields like invoice_date, Invoice_number, line_items, phone_number, and total_amount can be selected based on your requirements.


Configuring Approval Stages

  • Access Workflow: Start by navigating to the 'Workflow' section in the left panel of your Nanonets Extract Data page.
  • Add a Review Stage:
    • Click on the "Add a review stage" button to begin setting up a new approval rule within your workflow.
  • Choose Review Type:
    • Select from two types of review settings:
      • Assign reviewer only if file is flagged: This option assigns a reviewer only to files that meet specific flagged conditions.
      • Mandatory review (even if not flagged): This option requires a review for every file, regardless of whether it is flagged.
  • Select Reviewers:
    • Choose the team members who will be responsible for reviewing the files.
    • You can add multiple reviewers to the pool; a flagged file will be assigned to one of the reviewers.
  • Configure Flagging Rules: Click on the “Add another rule”
    • Set up criteria that determine when a file should be flagged for review.
    • Select the field you want to apply rules to, then choose from pre-defined rules or create a custom rule using a Python block for more complex conditions.
    • Once you have selected the field and condition click on the “Done” button.
  • Define Rule Logic:
    • If you have multiple rules, decide how these should be applied:
      • AND Condition: All conditions must be met for the file to be flagged.
      • OR Condition: Any of the conditions can trigger flagging.
  • Save the Approval Stage:
    • After setting the review type, selecting reviewers, and configuring rules, click on the "save stage" button to finalize the approval stage.


Configuring Export Block

  • Access Workflow: Start by navigating to the 'Workflow' section in the left panel of your Nanonets Extract Data page.
  • Browse Export Options: Click on the “Browse all export options” to view all supported export destinations.
  • Select Export Block:
    • A list of available export options will be displayed.
    • Choose the export destination that best fits your needs (e.g., Google Drive, Dropbox, FTP Server, etc).
  • Authenticate and Configure:
    • Depending on the chosen source, you may need to authenticate access. For example, to use Google Drive:
      • Click on the Google Drive icon.
      • Sign in to your Google Drive account and authorize Nanonets to access your files.
    • Configure any necessary settings specific to the export destination.
  • Complete Setup:
    • After authentication and configuration, click on “Add Integration” to save your settings.
  • Verify and Test:
    • Ensure that the export block is correctly set up by exporting a test file.
    • Verify that the file or the extracted data appears in selected destination.

Note: Not all export blocks may not require authentication. Some export destinations might simply need you to setup the export block by choosing the block.