Purchase Order

Nanonets is an AI-based workflow automation software centred around our revolutionary OCR engine. We have many pre-trained models to extract data from standard customer documents, Purchase Orders being one of them.

We can help extract structured information from Purchase Orders in the form of flat fields or key-value pairs, such as Purchase Order Number, Vendor Name, Buyer Name, Total Amount, etc. as well as tabular fields such as Product Code, Line Item Description, Quantity etc. for the table containing order details.

Alternatively, in case you would want a different set of fields to be extracted, you can use our zero-training OCR model which can be set up to extract custom fields within minutes. Here is more information on how you can use the Zero-Training Model.

The list of tabular fields that we support out-of-the box are as follows:

Tabular FieldsDescription
product_codeThis is a product Identifier, like, SKU Code, Product Number, etc.
descriptionThis details the item briefly
line_amountThis is the price unit of the product
quantityThe number of units of the product purchased
priceThe total price per line item = Line Amount * Quantity

The list of flat fields that we support out-of-the box are as follows:

buyer_nameExtracts the name of the buyer from the Purchase Order.
total_amountExtracts the total amount due to the seller/vendor on the Purchase Order.
shipto_nameExtracts the name of the buyer
total_amountExtracts the total amount due to the seller/vendor for the transaction
net_dExtracts the total number of days after which the payment will be made to the seller
buyer_phoneExtracts the contact number of the buyer
delivery_dateExtracts the date of delivery of the purchased goods
vendor_idDenotes an identifier associated with the seller/vendor. Useful when 2-way matching against invoices for organisations with multiple vendors.
vendor_vat_numberExtracts the VAT number for the seller/vendor
vendor_nameExtracts the name of the seller/vendor
currencyExtracts the currency which the Purchase Order is in
po_dateExtracts the date on which the Purchase Order was issued on
total_taxExtracts the total tax levied on the purchase of goods
shipto_addressExtracts the address to which the goods will be shipped
buyer_vat_numberExtracts the VAT number for the buyer in case buyer is a business or an organisation
po_numberUnique Identifier for the particular Purchase Order. Useful when 2-way matching against invoices for organisations with multiple purchase orders and corresponding invoices.
buyer_addressExtracts the address of the buyer from the Purchase Order
vendor_addressExtracts the address of the seller/vendor from the Purchase Order
totaltax%Extracts the percentage of total tax levied
subtotalExtracts the total of the line items before taking into account taxes, discounts, etc.
buyer_emailExtracts the email address of the buyer
vendor_emailExtracts the email address of the seller/vendor