Add/Replace Value


The Add/Replace Value data action block lets you update or add new data to your extracted results. You can replace existing values or add new fields with constant values or values from other fields. This helps keep your data organized and ready for further use.

Steps to Set Up 'Add/Replace Value' Data Action Block:

  1. Access Workflow:

    • Navigate to the 'Workflow' section from the left panel on your Nanonets Extract Data page.
  2. Add Data Action Block:

    • Click on “Add a new step” to view all available data action blocks.
    • From the list, select "Add/Replace Value".
    Add/Replace Value

    Add/Replace Value

  3. Configure Add/Replace Value:

    • Choose from the following options:

      • Replace value in existing field: This allows you to replace the values in an existing field with either a constant value or a value from another field.
      Replace value in existing field

      Replace value in existing field

      • Add new field: This option lets you add a new column to the table or create a new flat field by assigning a constant value or using a value from another field.

        • Use the toggle if you want to add a new table column.
        • Provide the “Name of the field to be added” in the input box.
        Add new field

        Add new field

  4. Set the Value:

    • Enter a constant value, or choose a field/table column, or use a combination of both to set the values you want to add or replace in the target field/table column you selected earlier.
    Set the Value

    Set the Value

  5. Test the Action:

    • Select an uploaded file and click "Run Test" to verify that the block is working as expected with your selected fields and operation.
    Test the Action

    Test the Action

  6. Complete Setup:

    • Once you've successfully configured and tested the block, click "Done" to save the action.

      Complete Setup

      Complete Setup

You can apply this data action conditionally, using the Conditional Block.