File Review
How to Approve a file or Move it to the next review stage?
- On the bottom right of the file details page, you will see a green button.
- If there are multiple review stages, you will see "Submit Review" (1, 2.. of n). On click of Submit, the file will move to the next review stage.
- If there was only one review stage, you will see "Approve file". On click of Approve, the file will be marked as Approved.
How to Reject a file?
- On the bottom right corner > click on the three dots menu next to the green Approval button
- Click on Reject file
- You will be shown a confirmation dialogue
- Click on Yes, Reject file if you are sure you want to reject the file (this cannot be undone)

How to move the file to the previous review stage?
- On the bottom right of the file details page (next to the green Approve button) > Click on the three dots menu
- Click on Move to prev stage > you will see another menu with the list of previous stages
- Select the Stage you want to move the file back to.
- The file will be moved back to the stage you select. The validation and approval checks for that stage will be re-run and the file will be re-assigned to the previous approver for that stage.

How do I see if a file has been Flagged for review?
On the All files view of the Extract data screen, you will see a validation failure flag against the file containing the error, and the file will be auto-assigned to a team member for review.
How will I know which rules have failed?
The field with the error will be flagged as shown below. Hover over the red icon to see what the cause of the error is.

To view a summary of all the flags (failed rules) in that review stage, click on the red error bubble on the bottom left of the action bar.
You will be able to see the list of errors, and see who the file was assigned to for manual review.

How will I know if all rules in a stage have been passed?
You will see a blue icon in the bottom left of the action bar if all rules in a stage have passed. You can move it to the next stage by clicking on

Updated 8 months ago