Delete Value


The Delete Value data action block allows you to remove values from selected flat fields only.

Steps to Set Delete Value Data Action Block:

  1. Access Workflow:

    • Navigate to the 'Workflow' section from the left panel on your Nanonets Extract Data page.
  2. Add Data Action Block:

    • Click on “Add a new step” to view all available data action blocks.
    • From the list, select "Delete Value".
    Delete Value

    Delete Value

  3. Select Fields:

    • Choose one or more fields from which you want to delete values.
    Select Field

    Select Field

  4. Test the Action:

    • Select an uploaded file and click "Run Test" to verify that the block is working as expected with your selected fields and operation.
    Test Action

    Test Action

  5. Complete Setup:

    • Once you've successfully configured and tested the block, click "Done" to save the action.
    Complete Setup

    Complete Setup

You can apply this data action conditionally, using the Conditional Block.