Data actions

This guide shows you how to add post-processing data actions.

This feature lets you modify the captured text. For eg: Let's say the date on your document was listed as 20th August 2017, you can use post processing to interpret and modify it as 20/08/2017. See full list of available data actions here.

Try it yourself

How to add a data action:

  1. Open your model

  2. Go to the Workflow section from the left side navbar

  3. Navigate to the Data Actions section on the Workflow page

  4. Click on Add a new step

  5. On the Add a step modal, search from our data action options available

  6. Click on the action card to add it to your Workflow

  7. Complete the steps as mentioned on the block

  8. Click on Done to save the action

Set up Conditional actions for higher control

This feature allows you to set up a conditions for a data action to run. For eg: Let's say you want to format dates to MM/DD/YYYY only if a Vendor's address is in the USA. You would set up a condition to check for the keyword 'USA' in the data captured for vendor_address.

Add Conditional actions

To set up a new conditional action: Click on the Conditions card on the modal and set up a new conditional action.

To add conditions to an existing action: On an already set up action, click on 'Add conditions to run'

Output settings

This section on a data action block allows you to decide whether to show the post-processed result in the same field or a new field.

Show in original field: Selecting this option will replace the original value for this field with the post-processed (formatted) value

Show in new field: Selecting this option requires you to specify the name of a new field. The post-processed (formatted) value will be displayed in this new field. The original value will remain as is.

Test an action

This section on a data action block allows you to test the action on your own files without leaving the Workflows section.

How to test an action:

  1. Select the file to test with

  2. Click on Run Test

  3. Check the input tab to verify an input existed on the test file

  4. Check the output tab to verify that the action worked correctly and the output was as expected.

All Data Actions


Convert to Date format: Change text to a selected date format

Dropdown field: Add GL accounts, Vendor names or any custom values

Currency detector: Extracts currency field as a 3 character code (eg: USD)

Remove characters: Remove alphabets, numbers or special characters

Find and Replace: Replace instances of any character or phrase

Keep only one instance: Keep only one of multiple detected results

Combine instances: Concatenate separated values of data into a single string

Change to closest match: Change text to a value that is a close match of captured data

Change case: Change text to uppercase/lowercase or all caps

Convert to integer: Remove decimal places from numbers

Convert to float: Add decimal places to numbers

Remove Currency symbols: Keep only numbers, decimals and commas in amounts

Convert to ASCII: Convert a string into American Standard Code for Information Interchange encoding

Match Regex: Extract the substring matching the regular expression

Create a new field with Regex: Derive fields from captured regex groups and assign to variables

Delete value: Delete values(contents) of the specified field while retaining the label in the final results/output.

Add/Replace value: Add new label or replace value of a label with a combination of strings and other labels.

Lookup: Get a new field from an external source

  • Lookup in PostgreSQL

  • Lookup in CSV

  • Lookup in MySQL

  • Lookup in MariaDB

  • Find in Nanonets DB

Python code: Create a custom step with our Python code block.

Gmail: Send an email to anyone with extracted data

Last updated